Sukkot follows five days after Yom Kippur. We give thanks for God's protection along the wilderness journey from Egypt to the Land of Israel. The festival also marks the fall harvest and is punctuated with our taking up the lulav. Weather allowing, Sukkot worship is in our Sukkah as we engage in the mitzvah of welcoming guests in our Sukkah. Our holiday megillah is Ecclesiastes.
The Festival of Freedom, Pesach commemorates our ancient Israelite Exodus from Egypt and reminds us of the struggle of all people to be free. Our Community Seder takes place on the evening of the second night of Pesach. Our Pesach festival service and Yizkor are on the last morning of Pesach, the seventh day. Our holiday megillah is Song of Songs.
The revelation at Mt Sinai and the Giving of Torah are the foundation of Shavuot. Literally the "Feast of Weeks," Shavuot arrives seven weeks and a day after Pesach, with each day marked by the Counting of the Omer. We traditionally eat sweet dairy foods on the festival, as the Torah is likened to the sustenance we received in the infancy of our people, the very life of our nation. Look for our Tikkun Leil Shavuot the eve of the festival, and opportunity to engage in Torah learning and share a favorite cheesecake. Our holiday megillah is Ruth.
All Festival Morning Worship is at 10:30 AM followed by a Kiddush
Services at Cape Cod Synagogue are for everyone. We pray using the latest Reform Jewish festival prayerbook, Mishkan Tefila.
Mon, February 10 2025
12 Sh'vat 5785
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